Transfer Entropy

function [parameters, data] = timeseriesTE_rank(X,Y,l,k,t,w,Q)

This function computes the transfer entropy between time series X and Y, with the flow of information directed from X to Y, after ranking both X and Y. Probability density estimation is based on bin counting with fixed and equally-spaced bins. To enhance robustness against outliers and sparse
regions in the underlying distribution, we combine fixed binning with ordinal sampling (ranking).

For details, please see T Schreiber, "Measuring information transfer", Physical Review Letters, 85(2):461-464, 2000.


X: first time series in 1-D vector

Y: second time series in 1-D vector

l: block length for X

k: block length for Y

t: time lag in X from present to where the block of length l ends

w: time lag in Y from present to where the block of length k ends

Q: number of quantization levels for both X and Y


parameter.TE_estimate: transfer entropy (bits)

data.signal1: X

data.signal2: Y

Example usage

>> X1 = Vtcr1(15001:20000);
>> Y1 = Vtcr2(15001:20000);
>> t=2; w=2; % time lag 
>> l=1; k=1; % block lengths
>> [parameters, data] = timeseriesTE_rank(X1,Y1,l,k,t,w,128);
>> TE = parameters.TE_estimate;
>> signal1 = data.signal1;
>> signal2 = data.signal2;
>> TE
TE =


NOTE: Our work builds upon the code included in the following works and implementations, so please do consider citing them:


[1] Schreiber, T. (2000). Measuring information transfer. Physical review letters, 85(2), 461.

[2] Joon Lee 2012, Transfer Entropy Estimation and Directional Coupling Change Detection in Biomedical Time Series. (Published in Biomed Eng Online)