Mutual Information

function [parameters, data] = timeseriesMI_kernel(X, Y, h, ind)

Mutual information is an information-theoretic measure that can quantify non-linear dependencies between systems, unlike linear cross-correlation. It quantifiesthe amount of information about one system obtained by knowing about theother system This function computes the Kernel-based estimate for mutual information I(X, Y) between time series X and Y. Data is first copula-transformed, then marginal and joint probability distributions are estimated using Gaussian kernels.


X: first time series in 1-D vector

Y: second time series in 1-D vector

h: kernel width

ind: subset of data on which to estimate MI


parameter.MI_estimate: Mutual information (bits)

parameter.kernel_width: kernel width 'h'

data.signal1: X

data.signal2: Y

Example usage

>> X1 = Vtcr1(15001:20000);
>> Y1 = Vtcr2(15001:20000);
>> [parameters,data] = timeseriesMI_kernel(X1, Y1);
>> MI = parameters.MI_estimate;
>> h = parameters.kernel_width;
>> signal1 = data.signal1;
>> signal2 = data.signal2;
>> MI
MI =


NOTE: Our work builds upon the code included in the following works and implementations, so please do consider citing them:


[1] Mikhail (2020). Kernel estimate for (Conditional) Mutual Information (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved March 20, 2020.